Small World Gallery
A gallery. On Main Street. Small town. With roots around the world. Joy in connecting. Exploring, from here to there. In our lives -- and yours. "Delightful." We make our stuff. We write notes. We read books to children. Real People. Brick and Mortar.
One. Of. A. Kind.
IBISwoman Jewelry from Kathy and Briana
When Kathy began her enormous bead collection she chose the name IBISwoman for her jewelry, reflecting her love for the enigmatic bird so beloved by the Egytians. Briana brought her formal art training to the mix, along with great style and skills in silverwork. Together they create the one-of-a-kind jewelry you can only get from...
Small World Gallery

World Class Photography from Jim
Jim's photography from around the world for National Geographic hangs in art museums, galleries and ... homes like your. Fine art prints are archival, limited editions printed by Jim to his exacting standards. Posters offer affordable ways to enjoy Jim's images. Greeting cards are an inexpensive way to share images that mean something to you with others you care about.
Jim Richardson Photography
Lindsborg Artist
Small World Gallery
127 N Main St.
Lindsborg, Kansas
Tuesday - Saturday: 10-4
Stay Safe - We look forward to seeing you