Earring Subscription Program

Receive a new pair of IBISwoman handmade earrings for 4, 6 or 12 months. Each pair will vary, and we welcome you to guide us with your earring preference, we love personalization!  All earrings will come from our gallery inventory, true to our designs, no two will get the same pair of earrings, each is one of a kind and selected with care.


Quarterly - $100 - 4 pair of earrings for $25/pair
Bi-Monthly - $135 - 6 pair of earrings for $22.50/pair
Monthly - $228 - 12 pairs of earrings for $19/pair  --- BEST PLAN

Quality of earrings will be equal regardless of your subscription plan.  We also cover shipping cost, making it easier on you.  

This can be purchased as a gift and you tell us who to send the subscription to, with complimentary gift wrap on each pair! 

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