Jim Richardson

 jimrichardsonphotography.com -- Visit Jim's photography website!



To order Jim Richardson signed and limited edition prints, visit his photography website - jimrichardsonphotography.com - or call the gallery 785.227.4442

Published Stories


The Rising Great Salt Lake: No Way to Run a Desert June 1985
The Colorado: A River Drained Dry July 1988,
Atlanta on the Rise: June 1991
Ogallala Aquifer; Wellspring of the High Plains: March 1993
Our Disappearing Wetlands:  October 1992,  also on the issue’s “On Assignment” 
Troubled Waters Run Deep on US pollution in Water: A National Geographic Special Edition  November 1993, also “On Assignment”
The Mississippi:  River Under Siege in Water:  A National Geographic Special Edition November 1993
Great Flood of ‘93: January 1994
A Farming Revolution: Sustainable Agriculture: December 1995, also ”On Assignment” 
Scotland: Plaid to the Bone: September 1996
Colorado’s Front Range November 1996
Cascadia May 1998, also on the issue’s “On Assignment”
Orkney: Ancient North Sea Haven June 1998
Living with Natural Hazards  July 1998
Mount St. Helens May 2000
California Trail: Blazing the Way West September 2000, also ”On Assignment”
Columbia:  A River Dammed April 2001, also on the issue’s “On Assignment” 
Once and Future Fury: California’s Volcanic North October 2001, “On Assignment”
Food: How Safe? How Altered? May 2002, also “On Assignment”
Change of Heartland: America’s Great Plains May 2004
Pulling Together: 30 Years in the Life of Cuba, Kansas  May 2004, also on the issue’s
“From the Editor,” “Final Edit,” and “On Assignment” 
Celt Appeal  March 2006, also, “Inside National Geographic.
Flint Hills April 2007:  “Inside National Geographic.
Our Good Earth September 2008; also, “Inside National Geographic.
End of Night November 2008; also, “Inside National Geographic.
Food Ark July 2011.
King James Bible December 2011.
Feeding 9 Billion May 2014
Before Stonehenge August 2014 
Whose Moors are They? May 2017

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