Organizing 2018

Organizing 2018

As the weather warms up and the sun shines, my mind runs frantically with ideas of makings.  So many things I want to do: custom planner covers, handmade books, additional gardens, painting, silver work, and simply enjoying the day with my family. 

“You can’t possibly do everything.”  …….  “Watch me try!”

My newest jump of inspiration has been trying to make a functional and simple binder/planner cover.  Now, call me naive or simply unorganized, but I have never been great (or even fair) at keeping track of dates or “duties.”  Making my 2018 goal to consistently track my schedule in a planner.  I made my 'goal' to accomplish at least one task (something that many planners prompt users to write).

So over Mother’s Day weekend I went ahead and started sewing.  Using this amazing and cool cork fabric (a green and vegan alternative for leather), my small home sewing machine, and with the patience of any mother wrestling three kids on a Sunday, I successfully created!  I created a handful of binder covers and 6 and bound books! 

I also found time to wash four laundry loads, finish dishes, feed and wrangle the chickens, and enjoying the weather with my babies.  I have always found it amazing, the amount of energy and time you can find when something really inspires you. 

And as my blog clearly shows, I am a bit scattered when I can’t find time to create everything.  I am really try to see this ‘scattered’ anxious feeling as ambition and work to harness it into productivity.

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